
The references below include single-authored publications which focus on my own research, as well as co-authored works reflecting my involvement in these projects.

In a few of those I contributed with discourse analysis to areas like electronic brainstorming and information visualization of online support groups.


Mileva, Emanuela. 2019. “A Conversation Analysis approach to alternative medicine sessions” PhD Thesis, Simon Fraser University.

Mileva, Emanuela. 2009. “Linguistics effects on the contact between Greek and Bulgarian languages for recent Bulgarian immigrants to Northern Greece” MA Thesis, Simon Fraser University.

Mileva, Emanuela. 2000. “Psychological aspects of the space in Anton Chekhov’s short stories” MA Thesis, Sofia University.


Mileva, Emanuela. 2000. Bulgarian–Greek Handbook. Damyan Iakov Publishing, Sofia.

Refereed Proceedings

Zelchenko, P., Ivanov, A., and Mileva, E. 2018. Reviewing the Interaction Aspects of a Line of Electronic Brainstorming Social Interfaces. In: Luo Y. (Ed) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering. CDVE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11151. Springer, Cham. DOI:

Ivanov, A. and Mileva, E. 2014. The Plot-poll Redesigned: Lessons from the Deployment of a Collective Moodtracker in an Online Support Group. In: Luo Y. (Ed) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering. CDVE 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8683. Springer, Cham. DOI:

Mileva, Emanuela. 2010. Patterns of cooperation: Discourse analysis of electronic brainstorming. 26th Northwest Linguistics Conference, NWLC BC, May 8–9, 2010.

Mileva, Emanuela. 2009. Definite article switches in the speech of Bulgarian/Greek bilinguals. 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Chicago, IL, October 29 – November 1, 2009.

Edited Volumes

Angela Cooper, Emrah Görgülü, Emma Mileva, David Potter (Eds.). 2010. Simon Fraser University Working papers in Linguistics, Vol.3: Proceedings of the 26th Northwest Linguistics Conference, May 9–10, 2010. [online:]

David Potter & Dennis Ryan Storoshenko (Eds. In Chief); Julian Brooke, Gregory Copola, Emrah Görgülü, Morgan Mameni, Emma Mileva, Susan Morton & Anne Rimrott (Eds.). 2009. Simon Fraser University Working Papers in Linguistics Vol.2: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics, November 7–9, 2008. [online:].